Hello there,
Phil and me finished recording "the strings". On the picture you can see Phil and me after recording the last song. As you can see I took my job a little bit too serious...no shaving in a while.
After finishing the guitar and bass I did some demo vocals and we listened to all of the songs. I'm happy with the sound of the album so far but something was missing - drums. Well, let's get to
the actual news: I needed a professional cover for the album, so I contacted my photographer of trust and told him what I was looking for. After listening to the title song 'Hope', to get an idea
of the sound of the Album, he offered his assistance to play the drums - on one condition: He wants to record the whole thing live in one take and one room. Well, how can I say no to something
like that. We will start recording in the beginning of 2017. I cannot wait!
Be safe!
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